The Hemel Hempstead Experience The HHEx

The HHEx allows all of our students to be, not seem to be. Esse Quam Videri.

“The curriculum is everything: the whole experience; what it is to be a part of the community at The Hemel Hempstead School. It is The Hemel Hempstead Experience”.

Please explore this website to find out more about The Hemel Hempstead Experience. We use this site to share and celebrate the wide range of opportunities and activities that are available for our students.

All students are expected to keep an active record of their HHEx participation on This is our custom website that was created by one of our students. We use this to monitor, adapt and improve our Personal Development provision so that all students benefit from the wide range of opportunities and experiences available.

'Pupils quickly learn that the ‘Hemel Hempstead experience’ enables them to have a well-rounded education. Pupils benefit from a rich set of experiences, such as theatre trips, house events and an extensive range of sports fixtures. Staff ensure that pupils can participate in the range of activities and curriculum on offer. This allows pupils to live the school motto of ‘Esse Quam Videri’, ‘to be, rather than to seem to be’.

Ofsted, December 2022